Vision and mission
We strive to make the world a safer and fairer place by rethinking Anti-Financial Crime Compliance.
As a thought leader and think tank for Anti-Financial Crime Compliance, we help obligated companies across a wide range of industries meet regulatory requirements better, faster, and more cost-effectively - while protecting both the company and society itself.
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Our team of people is committed to the highest professional standards based on more than 150 man-years of experience in the field of Anti-Financial Crime.
Our consultants, auditors, investigators and technologists ensure our clients have a 360-degree perspective on all aspects of their Anti-Financial Crime Compliance program.

Dirk Findeisen
Dirk Findeisen has more than 20 years of experience in Data Warehousing, Big Data, Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics in Corporate Performance Management and Governance, Risk & Compliance. As Managing Director of msg Rethink Compliance, he is responsible for the company's service and product strategy, customer success and technology alliances. Previously, Dirk Findeisen held management positions at international software companies such as SHS Viveon, FICO, Cubeware and the MIS Group, where he was responsible for setting up and managing strategic customer programmes, global solution consulting or the areas of sales and channel management. Findeisen is the author of numerous technical papers and book articles on Financial Crime Compliance, a sought-after speaker at professional events and a lecturer at several German universities.

Davor Jurak
Davor Jurak worked in risk management at National Westminster Bank and Commerzbank, and as a Board Member at LHB Internationale Handelsbank. As a management consultant, he also contributed his expertise to various projects focusing on risk, regulation, and data flow management for banks. Jurak spent almost 10 years as part of the Management Board at impavidi, a company of the msg group in the field of regulatory consulting for the financial industry. Impavidi merged with msg GillardonBSM AG in 2022, which is now called msg for banking. As Managing Director of msg Rethink Compliance, he is responsible for Finance & Organization.

Johannes Willkomm
Johannes Willkomm has been Spokesman for the Management Board of msg Rethink Compliance since 1 January 2024. In this role, he strengthens the product management and sales of msg Rethink Compliance and consolidates its role within the msg for banking group. In addition, as a member of the Management Board of msg for banking ag, he is responsible for the Product division with the software product lines MARZIPAN and SPL Risk & Regulatory Reporting. He is also responsible for the Market Development division with the Marketing and Sales departments as well as the Banking Customer Interactive Solutions division. The graduate mathematician has extensive experience in management and architecture for the development of complex and sustainable software systems as well as many years of experience in management positions in IT and consulting companies and within msg.
Our expertise
Anti-Money Laundering & Counter-Terrorism Financing
- Protection against, and identification of money laundering for all industries and segments, including the preparation of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
- Guidelines and best practices from inter-national watchdogs and industry organizations
- New typologies, hidden networks, internal fraud, trade-based money laundering, and money laundering in correspondent banking and trade finance
- Monitoring of sanctions lists in the narrower and broader sense as well as monitoring and analysis of payment flows to identify and stop terrorist financing
Know Your
- Identification and management of relationship risks associated with operations and compliance risk management
- Fuzzy and phonetic searches, profiling, identity verification and digital due diligence
- Identification of business partners, related parties, and ultimate beneficial owners
- Linkage to operational onboarding and decision-making processes and fraud prevention
- Process reviews and digitization
Anti-Bribery &
- Compliance management of business partners throughout the lifecycle: from initial screening to continuous monitoring of changes in circumstances to termination of the partnership
- Monitoring of relevant business partner related (data) events and transactions for early identification of "red flags" and fraud risks in ongoing business activities with these third parties
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