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Digital Anti-Financial
Crime Fighter!


Unlocking the potential of technology: Advanced digital tools for the fight against financial crime

To effectively combat financial crime in the digital age, organisations need to equip themselves with the right arsenal of digital tools. With increasing regulatory demands, the growing complexity of threats and increasing volumes of data to analyse, now is the time to unlock the potential of artificial intelligence and new technologies in the fight against financial crime.

From cutting-edge risk assessment systems and AI-powered data bots to automated backtesting solutions and robust GRC platforms, these tools enable Compliance professionals to improve their efficiency and increase their capabilities to fight illicit activities. By harnessing the power of automation, machine learning and advanced analytics, these digital solutions have the potential to sustainably change the way Compliance works and improve the experience of the heroes that fight financial crime. 

Join the ranks and become a digital anti-financial crime fighter today!

Enterprise-Wide Financial Crime Risk Assessment

Robust risk assessment is the cornerstone of any AML/CTF programme. This powerful, highly configurable software solution simplifies the process of conducting enterprise risk assessments. Its flexible risk structure allows you to manage financial crime risk, or any other class of risk, in an auditable environment.

Key features
• Identification of risks
• Integrated workflow
• Comprehensible risk categorisation and assessment
• Automated calculation
• Audit trail
• Visualisation of risk situation
• Overview of to-do priorities

Better Governance Through Efficient, Group-Wide Policy Management and AI-Powered Regulatory Change Management

Anti-financial crime policy management can be made easier. Adapt policies, procedures, and rules to meet regulatory requirements, then automate their distribution and implementation across the group with a cloud-based software solution.

Simplify regulatory monitoring with AI-powered regulatory intelligence and impact analysis. Automatically build your repository of regulations and obligations, and instantly identify the critical content and impact on internal policies and procedures. An AI chatbot gives you instant access to expert knowledge and accelerates decision making.

• Centralised policy portal for quick and easy access
• Automate policy and task distribution
• Greater transparency on local implementation
• Prove implementation to auditors and regulators
• Automate regulatory monitoring and regulatory repository management
• Break down silos, connect teams, strengthen resilience


Optimise Your Compliance Risk Strategy With a Solution That Automates Your Backtesting Process

Well-tuned monitoring systems generate high quality hits. However, empirical knowledge alone is no longer sufficient to optimise the business configuration. Backtesting simulates the effects of parameter changes and helps to calibrate the monitoring system correctly. 

We combine automated processes with expert knowledge - from data selection, data quality checks and backtesting execution, to evaluating results and recommending optimal thresholds.

Proper backtesting at a glance
• Analysing risk parameters 
• Selecting data and checking data quality
• Preparing to backtest
• Running the backtesting process
• Adjusting and optimising risk parameters 

By providing comprehensible and documented analyses of thresholds and other risk parameters, audit findings can be avoided. Our experienced experts not only have in-depth compliance expertise but are also very familiar with your monitoring systems – both technically and professionally.

AI-Based Data Bots for Your Compliance Factory

Compliance bots and data products can complement and support 
existing AML or KYC solutions. They provide intelligent decision support 
in compliance processes and allow for huge productivity gains.

Exemplary use cases
• Intelligent customer segmentation
• Quality checks & prioritisation 
• Alert & case investigation
• Monitoring & reports
• Adverse media crawling
• Alert & case agent
• Periodic review agent

Many other use cases are possible. We are happy to advise and work with you in a workshop to discover the potential of AI-based bots for your business. In a second step, we will concretise the idea and develop a prototype for you.

Country Risk as a Service

Geographic risk is not just about the region in which you operate. Country factors also need to be considered when assessing customer risk. 

This powerful, cloud-based country risk solution provides you with a standardised methodology for assessing country risk and comparing risk factors across countries. 

It draws on 25 data sources from internationally recognised organisations to provide up-to-date, detailed risk information on 250 countries and territories. The risk data service includes overall risk ratings per country, risk ratings for the different categories of (financial) crime and ESG risks.

Tailored to what you need
• On-demand or recurring service with country risk reports on selected countries and flat files for your monitoring systems
• Online access to our risk platform to generate country reports and flat files at any time
• Access to our best-practice risk rating methodology with full configuration options for stored risk models and weightings, including the ability to add your own data

Contact us to get answers to your questions. We look forward to hearing from you.